Changing Perspectives.
Changing Lives.
An empowerment coach, public speaker, writer, workshop presenter, mentor, counselor, and owner of an interpreting agency.
As Featured In:

My curriculum focuses on STRENGTHS in your work and the language nuances that will enhance the language options for the interpreters. Working with my mentees has morphed into a training process. I am developing opportunities to create a wealth of awareness and to create the path to being that PROFESSIONAL you desire to be. It requires your commitment to you!
We are all growing – still growing! Every workshop I teach goes under a complete reconstruction because of MY experience and YOUR comments regarding what you learned. Nothing I do stays the same – I think that is why I love presenting so much. My mentees and students cause me to go deeper into the awareness and understanding of ASL linguistic skills and the process of becoming an interpreter that honors the desires of the Deaf client before you.
The Deaf wrapped their arms around me for these most wonderful seven years. Each of them had their own LOVE for language and opened the door to the ART of ASL! As life does have its twist and turns, our group started accepting work outside our area and slowly we drifted into new opportunities. I was given the LOVE of language and the communities “inner” heart-caring.
My Story
A public speaker, writer, and workshop presenter. As many of us wear different professional hats, Bonnie Faye, too, has many hats. She owns an interpreting agency, works with Veterans suffering from PTSD and mentors tri-lingual interpreters. From Corporate Board trainings to thought provoking Key Notes, she keeps her audiences mentally involved. Each workshops brings its own poignant messages.

“I joined May 2019 as an interpreter. Bonnie Faye shares a lot of info but no pressure to learn them all. Learn as we go. I felt so safe, loved, and encouraged by not only Bonnie Faye, but my classmates. I feel supportive and being able to ask any kinds of questions.” – Diana
“I have been a three-time participant in the six-month long Mentorshop series, each time gleaning new ways to approach my work as a hearing sign language interpreter. Her years of experience and thirst for knowledge instigated deep conversations. During sessions, I have analyzed the nuances of native and heritage language users, presented on current industry topics, and strengthened my interpreting work alongside Deaf interpreters. Through her mentoring, I have looked deeper into the linguistic quality of my work. Bonnie has inspired me to shine brighter personally and professionally.” – Desiree

Join me as I am “ACTIVELY” writing this book. Every Week there are changes and additions! This writing has been a multi-year journey, and I am glad you are here! Share with me how the book reads to you. Let me know which of the 4 levels you are practicing in the art of listening. I look forward to hearing from you – the contact address is on the last page of the website.
YOUR thoughts are important to me – share them.